Which World of Warcraft race matches your personality?
Your Result: A Spiritual Draenei
You know your flaws which makes you forgive the flaws other people have. You are a deeply spiritual being with a warm personality but it is hard for you to really trust another person as you know that you can't know what they really think about you. Stop to think about the bad things they could think about you.
They more likely will notice your warm and helping personality than to fixate on your flaws – as well as you will concentrate on their personalities good aspects.
World of Warcraft Class Quiz
Your Result: Rogue

Rogues often initiate combat with a surprise attack from the shadows, leading with vicious melee strikes. When in protracted battles, they utilize a successive combination of carefully chosen attacks to soften the enemy up for a killing blow. Rogues must take special care when selecting targets so that their combo attacks are not wasted, and they must be conscious of when to hide or flee if a battle turns against them.