whoever left the tv on, thank you

ayo some neat shows that i like

follow my mal here!

mob psycho

"The truth behind one's charm is kindness. Become a good person, that is all."

since this show has three seasons out i'll only be talking about it as a whole. i'll try and keep these as spoiler-free as possible!

plot: the show revolves around shigeo "mob" kageyama - a fourteen year old boy with psychic abilities. due to past experiences he tries to suppress his own emotions which are often linked to these abilities - any strong feelings that come out have a chance to make him go sicko mode and at a danger to those around him.

sonny boy

"no matter how much I've come to understand the psychology of this universe, I still can do nothing more for a crying friend than just sit next to him."

i believe that this show is best gone into as blind as possible so i won't go into too much detail about the story/characters and i want to keep this list as spoiler-free as possible. i've watched this series at least three times at this point, the first was binge watched within a night. i can't really explain why this show leaves such a profound impression on me only that it just does. it's a rich blend of what i enjoy most in a show -

plot: the show revolves around shigeo "mob" kageyama - a fourteen year old boy with psychic abilities. due to past experiences he tries to suppress his own emotions which are often linked to these abilities - any strong feelings that come out have a chance to make him go sicko mode and at a danger to those around him.